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PREMIUM fat burner FORMULA: Packed with Garcinia Fruit
Ext, Green Coffee Bean Ext, Caffeine Anhydrous, Raspberry
Ketones, African Mango Seed Extract, Coconut Water
Powder, Acai Berry Fruit Ext, Cayenne Pepper Fruit Pwd and
Avocado Fruit Pwd the ingredients in Slim Fix have been.
carefully combined to help minimize the physical stress on the
body and help you lose weight, or at least make it easier to
lose weight combined with other methods.
They tend to work via one or more of these mechanisms:
1. Reduce appetite.
2. Reduce absorption of nutrients
3. Increase fat burning,
4. Improve your health condition
5. Helps in weight losing
6. Enhance your metabolic rate
7. Increases your stamina & energy level
8. Controls your higher cholesterol level